Your Name: email: Phone:
Organization: Type of event: —Please choose an option—Corporate Social (ie stampede, holiday, anniversary)MeetingConferenceTrade ShowPersonal/Social (not wedding related) Other Event Type: Proposed date(s): Number of Attendees: Have you produced this event before? —Please choose an option—yesno Have you worked with an event planner before? —Please choose an option—yesno How many companies are being asked to bid? Tell us more about this event:
Please provide an overview of the Event:
Please provide key event objectives:
Please provide the scope of work required:
Please outline key deliverables:
Please outline the budget for the event, including any constraints or limitations that we should be aware of.
Please share your evaluation criteria: This section should outline the criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals from Event Planner. This may include factors such as technical expertise, cost, experience, and references.