Corporate Event Planning - Starts with a Question! - Calgary Event Planner

Corporate Event Planning – Starts with a Question!

Fun fact. In 2020 (pre-pandemic) we built the Ultimate Event Planning Guide, which can be found for download on

The thought process behind building this guide was an outline for anyone considering planning a corporate social event or even social event on a large scale.

The first place we recommend starting is with discovery questions that determine your event purpose, objectives, and goals.

Purpose, Objectives and Goals

Deciding to host an amazing event is fantastic but if you don’t understand the purpose, have specific goals and objectives to achieve this, then what’s the point? A tremendous amount of resources can often go into planning the perfect event so ensuring your cause or company is adequately benefiting from all the effort is a fundamental first step.

These are some basic questions you can ask yourself…

 What kind of awareness levels are you looking for?

How many and what type of attendees are you hoping to attract?

What are your goals? (Celebration? Awareness? Marketing? Educational?)

How much media exposure are you hoping to achieve?

What kind of engagement would you like to see on social media?

What are your networking goals?

How many and what type of leads would you like to collect from the event?

What kind of feedback are you hoping to receive? (beyond “that was amazing!”)

When identifying goals and objectives, each event will require different considerations. Charitable events may require more promotional based goals while internal events may be more engagement focused. Not all of these questions will apply to every event but each one is worth considering when deciding what you want to accomplish.

Identifying goals and objectives with quantifiable metrics, will not only help you measure your success but will make it significantly easier for your team to make planning decisions that will ultimately optimize your efforts for the best possible outcome.

These questions are just the beginning but will help you navigate the foundation steps of building a solid strategy for your next corporate social event.

Interested in learning more we can be reached at

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