For the past 4 years I have consistently updated this blog with (hopefully) interesting event related topics to encourage and engage all those looking for event related inspiration. BUT as the world continues to grapple with a seemingly never ending pandemic, I find myself in an industry full of empty calendars and not that much on the horizon that feels particularly inspiring.
Event professionals, like myself, thrive on hustle, multi-tasking, logistics, production and design. Most of us work long days and balance multiple complex projects for a variety of clients. With so much activity all the time, it probably shouldn’t come as a shock that we’re also a profession that tends to suffer from control issues – or, at least, I do.
This sudden and abrupt stop to our entire way of life hasn’t been easy for anyone and, while the downtime has certainly brought some welcome perks, the fear and anxiety that comes with all our new uncertainties can be difficult to manage, particularly for all of us self-confessed control freaks.
So, in order to save my sanity and regain a little power in my own situation, I’ve identified a number of ways we can all adapt and appreciate the choices we can still make to improve our overall well-being during these uncertain times.
Mental Consumption
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by our 24/7 new cycle. With so much fear and uncertainty constantly being broadcast across all media, it’s not hard to get dragged down by negativity. Because of this, I made a conscious decision to unplug from the noise and my mental health improved almost immediately. The important news will still trickle in but instead of obsessively watching for updates, I turned my attention to other hobbies like reading and cooking and suddenly my days become infinitely more productive and fulfilling.
We all have activities and interests collecting dust, now is the perfect time to try your hand at something new.
Creative Spaces
Luckily I’ve had the pleasure of working from home for almost 15 years with an excellent office set up and a comfortable routine but when I suddenly found myself with a 10 year old co-worker setting up shop on our kitchen table, my once idyllic work-from-home situation took an unexpected nose dive. The chaos that comes with homeschooling is one that all parents can appreciate these days and for those of us who crave order and quiet during their work day, this new situation was not going to work.
I quickly learned that everyone needs their own dedicated space to stay productive and keep the calm. Whether it’s reimagined bedroom set ups or repurposing a spare room or corner, taking the time to create an adequate work space for everyone in your family is well worth the effort.
While I like to think of myself as fairly active, fitness was never a priority with a busy event season to execute. Taking time away from work and my clients always left me feeling guilty but with an abruptly empty calendar, those extra walks, bike rides and golf games suddenly became, not only doable, but some of the highlights of my days. Adding a little extra fitness to any routine truly does help manage stress and lift the spirit.
I’m incredibly grateful to come from a large Italian family and have had the same best friends for almost three decades. My support system of family, friends and colleagues is amazing and taking the time to focus on those relationships has been a gift that my previously “crazy busy” life seemed to make so much more difficult.
In person meet ups may be a little harder to come by but taking more time for phone calls and video chats can go a long way to re-establishing and strengthening those relationships you hold most dear.
Finally, last year at this time I wrote one of my more popular blogs about an events planners guide to living your best life. It’s something I continually practice and a philosophy that has definitely helped me keep a healthy perspective on our new realities. While life is still full of uncertainty, it’s important to always find things to be grateful for – even if they come in the simplest of things.
I’ve learned that we can’t always be in complete control all the time but I also know that nothing lasts forever and if we can find ways to adapt our habits and ease our expectations, even a pandemic can offer positivity and peace, no matter how much control we may have seemingly lost.

I’ve enjoyed watching you have a fun summer journey. This was a good blog post. Thanks friend.