Calgary Events Archives - Calgary Event Planner
Organizing an event, whether it’s a meeting / conference, stampede event or a corporate holiday celebration, can be a daunting task. From managing vendors and coordinating logistics to ensuring everything runs smoothly on the day of the event, there are numerous details that require careful attention. This is where a certified professional event planner comes in. A certified professional event planner is a trained and experienced
Recently,  I took a long-term client to meet with the event coordinator and chef at the venue for their upcoming corporate holiday event. We began the process of building their menu, which then inspired me to write this post. When a menu is done well, it’s easy to take it for granted that it was an easy process to put it together. What initially sounds good by description doesn’t always translate well in both taste and presentation.
All corporate event planners wear a number of hats when it comes to planning. Project managers, accountants, designers, and so much more and while we are not lawyers we deal with a lot contracts. I have been so very fortunate to work on events that have included some big name entertainment acts over the years. While I love this aspect of planning, there are things I always share with my corporate clients to keep in mind, when